Tag Archives: Second hand market

Daily Struggle with collecting

The more we go into the 21th century, the harder it gets to find retro games and consoles for appropriate prices. I’m searching for stuff on a mostly daily pace, but whenever i see something interesting its like 50+ € per GAME. Collecting stuff was never harder for me, still I try my best to find the stuff i really want to own someday. I also blame my Region (PAL) and also my country a bit for it. There is a very small “scene” for retro games and consoles. And they have ridicilous prices for their stuff. In the U.S.A. for example, you could go to flea markets and buy a bunch of NES games for 20bux even a few years ago. In germany you can be happy if you get like ONE game for 20 bux, and its mostly a soccer game. Well, also the time of the internet makes it way more easy to find out what the actual value of old stuff is. Just 1, 2 clicks on ebay, and add around 10% of the price you find there. Yeah, thats how most people do it. Thats why i leave 90% of the flea markets, more frustrated than happy. But sometimes i get lucky, get a crash bandicoot for a small price, or a spyro. But not the really old stuff. I’m glad i atleast got Mega Man X PAL for SNES for a still high price. But i got it, i looked for it for many years, now i will get it, soon i hope. I will show a picture when it arrives. 🙂

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Sunday Markets

It’s sunday again ^-^ and the weather is awesome.

So I decided that its time for an adventure, to all those markets without huge merchants. I keep it simple, i like the small ones, hidden somewhere in small towns. First, we (and with “we” I mean Sera and me) drove to a market taking place in a parking area inside an industrial park. It smelled like there were some fries stands around the parking area and a lot of people came to the market during the really good weather (24 degrees in the morning). It was 50% 2nd hand seller market and 50% merchant market, so i didn’t really like it. But there was one merchant i almost see every sunday, its an old lady selling new PS3/4 Nintendo Wii and Xbox games. She’s always nice and her prices are (and thats really surprising) UNDER the ebay and amazon used prices. We talk way more than actually doing business together, she’s always nice and fair with what she sells. But she knows that i’m not really interested in all these new games, i like the old ones, and i purchased almost all of her old ones she sometimes “accidently” got. She only had those Gamecube Games left, and i askd what she has.
She told me bout Pokemon Colosseum which i was searching for since a long time, for a good price indeed. She said 10€ i said 8€ and we made the Deal~ but she wanted to sell the rest of her Gamecube games aswell, since its really not her business selling those old games. I looked at them and wasnt really convinced, sports games, sims all the stuff i dont want. I askd for Wave Race and Need for Speed Underground 2 which were the only ones i was atleast a bit interested in and she said i should take all for 10… And so i did, even if I didnt really want those games. It was more like a “Okay so you get rid of them” purchasement, than anything else. I was happy, she was happy and it was nice to see her again.

The next market was a really small charity market, and by far the best one i visited the last weeks. You didnt want to bargain at a charity place! So i didn’t do aswell. I saw 2 stands with bunch of PSX games as seen in the picture. They were hidden in boxes under the real goods table. One girl mostly only sold puzzle games, but they were in very nice condition and i didn’t have them. Also Bust a Move 3 was included which i really like. I bought all of her games and she was happy cause she thought she would never be able to sell them i guess 🙂
And then there was a second one. He wanted to sell his old PS1 Console (boxed in a PS2 cartonage), plus his games (Tekken 3, Road Rash 3D, Soul Blade and stuff). I really lovd to see Road Rash 3D in such condition again and i wanted the PS2 cartonage, so i purchased all of them aswell ^-^

Putting all games together it looks like a massive collection, and i did very great deals! I’m happy for this sunday market and hope you had a great day aswell~<3
